I am a really stupid Japanese doll collecter.
On April 12th, 2018, I have displayed my Japanese dolls collected for a long time by hobby.
Japan's unique Japanese dolls have been made since about 300 years ago and is wearing Japan's traditional costume "Kimono".
In Japan, there is a habit of precious cute dolls. Old dolls are carefully preserved.
Hina dolls, Ichimatsu, which is not as expensive as a French old doll, but quite expensive, they are valuable dolls that can not be made twice at the moment.
I think that people who have so many individuals are few in Japan, so please watch it if you like (≧∇≦)!
In Japan, celebrations are held for the first time when a child is born, that is, a girl takes a peach festival (March 3rd) and a boy has a child festive day (May 5th) to celebrate dolls.
I had bought at the first festival of my eldest daughter, from when I have gathered Japanese dolls, and then I have bought these a lot of dolls, you see now.
I have been busy with my work so far and my Japanese room was not in a condition to be decorated with children, but somehow I cleaned up and displayed my Japanese dolls a while ago.
I have written in my blog "angel_green888☆blog" 2018/4/12 article https://ameblo.jp/angelgreen888/entry-12367961712.html , so please see it if you like.
私は本当にお馬鹿な人形蒐集家(Japanese doll collecter)です..
日本人形は大きな雛段2つ(2代目猪山の雛段、片岡光春さんのおぼこ雛)、江戸時代の雛人形達(有職雛が好き、また小さいのも好き)、市松人形(何体あるか分からない、大きいのも小さいのも好き)、御所人形、木目込み人形 、生き人形、からくり人形など色々あり、今見ると何故こんなに集めたのか本当にお馬鹿だと思います。
また、私の年齢から言ってもうそう長くは持っておけないと思うので、そのうち(おそらく15 ~20年後位?)手放すつもりです。美術館みたいな施設か、好きで大切に修理して保存して次の世代の方に渡してくれる方に 格安に渡したいと考えています(*^▽^*)
私のブログ”angel_green888☆blog”2018/4/12記事 https://ameblo.jp/angelgreen888/entry-12367961712.html に書いていますので、よかったら見て下さいね。
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