【MV full】 Everyday、カチューシャ / AKB48[公式]って動画が話題らしいぞ
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AKB48 21stシングル「Everyday、カチューシャ」
作詞:秋元 康 作曲・編曲:井上ヨシマサ"女の子たちが集まると、とっておきの夏が来る"
music clipはグアムで撮影!元気いっぱいに踊るメンバーの笑顔がキラキラ弾ける、夏にぴったりのアイドルソングです!表題曲は、前田敦子初主演映画『もし高校野球の女子マネージャーがドラッカーの「マネジメント」を読んだら』(6月4日全国公開)の主題歌になっています。
2011.05.25 ON SALE
【MV】 Everyday, Kachuusha (Everyday, Headband) / AKB48 [Official] AKB48 21st Single “Everyday, Kachuusha”
Lyrics: Yasushi Akimoto / Composer and Arranger: Yoshimasa Inoue“When girls come together, an unforgettable summer is sure to come” The number of selected members is 26, the most in AKB history! The music clip is shot in Guam! The smiles of the members shine as they energetically dance to this idol-song perfect for the summer season! The title song is the theme song of the movie, “Moshi Kōkō Yakyū no Joshi Manager ga Drucker no "Management" o Yondara (If the girl manager for high school baseball read Drucker’s ‘Management’)“ starring Atsuko Maeda (In theatres June 4th). Keep your eye out for the members wearing headbands (in relationship to the song title) and the CD cover which is the first out of the last 5 titles to be shot dressed in swimsuits.
2011.05.25 ON SALE
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