Shimazaki Haruka (Paruru)
Takayanagi Akane (Churi) (SKE48)
Watanabe Mayu (Mayuyu)
Matsumura Kaori (Kaotan) (SKE48)
Kitahara Rie (Kitarie) (NGT48)
Kashiwagi Yuki (Yukirin) (AKB48/NGT48)
Takahashi Minami (Takamina)
Matsui Jurina (Jurina) (SKE48/AKB48)
Shibata Aya (Ayachan) (SKE48)
Muto Tomu (Tomu)
Yamamoto Sayaka (Sayanee) (NMB48/AKB48)
Sashihara Rino (Sasshi) (HKT48) (Center)
Watanabe Miyuki (Milky) (NMB48/AKB48)
Miyawaki Sakura (Sakura) (HKT48/AKB48)
Miyazawa Sae (Sae) (SNH48/SKE48)
Yokoyama Yui (Yuihan)
AKB48's 41st single: Halloween Night (ハロウィンナイト) (Sousenkyo Single)
Release date: 26/08/2015
Although Halloween hasn't come but I still want to post it 😆😆😆
This is a sousenkyo single but for me, it's special. Because this marks Takamina 's last Sousenkyo. Remember her moving moment with Acchan?
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Kan/Rom/Eng Color Coded Lyrics Cre:
Request of: Chinin ❤️ & Neil ❤️ & Katy Correa ❤️
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