Jisatsu 101 (2001): A Messy & Brilliant Denpa Horror VN

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Or donate one-time via Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/ameliedoree

In 2001, a little studio by the name of Duke released a game that would go on to influence some of the modern eras' most beloved VNs, and help to form an important sub-genre of psychological horror stories. Jisatsu 101 is that game; a beautiful, flawed, mess of a story with much to love and much to question.

Sources, Music List, & Special Thanks: https://www.patreon.com/posts/71742110/

Tweets: https://twitter.com/speedynoelle
PayPal: https://paypal.me/noelleamelie
Bandcamp: https://speedyspcfan.bandcamp.com
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/speedyfm

00:00 Intro
04:27 Story & Writing
15:53 All About Scrimblos
22:15 Patreon Q&A
27:07 [SPOILERS] Plot Summary
31:25 [SPOILERS] Plot Analysis
37:33 [SPOILERS] Character Analysis
51:53 In Conclusion

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