This took place at Surprise wa Arimasen, AKB48's Big Summer Concert of 2010, held in the Yoyogi National Gymnasium A from July 10 to July 11. The arena has a ca...
After failing to achieve number one in 2013, Mayuyu beats Sasshi to the number one spot in AKB48 in the 2014 AKB48 senbatsu sousenkyo (general election). AKB48 ...
My Top 30 best AKB48GROUP songs 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009: Aitakatta Ashita wa Ashita no Kimi ga Umareru Baby! Baby! Baby! BINGO! Boku no Taiyou Chuu Shiyouz...
2016.03.12 ON AIR / Full HD (1920x1080p), 60fps 【出演】 宮脇咲良(HKT48)/渡辺麻友/小嶋陽菜/峯岸みなみ/宮澤佐江 (SKE48/SNH48)/柏木由紀/北原里英(NGT48)/指原莉乃(HKT48)/島崎遥香/横山由依/木﨑ゆりあ/入山杏奈/加藤玲奈/高橋朱里/...
Kali ini gua ngereaksiin mv dari SNH48 Group yang double single kemaren, yang mana sekaligus menjadi single ke-20 mereka. Yang judul nya Secret Garden / 秘密花园. M...